Coming soon: The Big Duell: Earth 2150 vs. Thandor.
1) Tactics, Units and Buildings comparison. 2) Grafix checks, Atmosphere, Gameplay etc. 2) Multiplayer, Missions, Service. Coming Soon! (12/12/99)
The Previews Section is being updated.
There is a playable Thandor demo on the GameStar CD 01/2000.
1) The demo does not ahve the day/night change with lit up buildings and units. 2) Other versions of the demo will follow in middle December in PC-Action and PC-Games.
This is my new webpage design. I previously had finished all of my pages in FrontPage with DHTML fx but when I uploaded them they did not work properly. The pages here are done with pure HTML, with a dash of Java Script and should work ok with all newer browsers. The Thandor Homepage competition is going into its last phase and the final sprint has begun. Many changes will take place now and after the game is realeased (5.1.2000).
1) GNN (Golem Network News) released an online-preview of Thandor.
1) PC-Games released a nice report about Thandor. 2) The magazines Gamestar and Computer Bild Spiele both released short online-previews of Thandor.
I would like to inform you that at the moment @ (the largest german Online Magazin) the following articles await you:
1) Thandor Preview (First Impression: Very Good). 2) Designer Diary. 3) Interview with Innonics. 4) A vote "Which strategy game rocks?" (@ 1536 people Thandor is @ 2nd place). Other:
1) was redesigned and you shoul take a look at all the new features and information. 2) Tipps&Service is being opened soon. There the thandor people will analyse different criticism and enlighten you on certain features.
1) The Walkers and the Tanks now leave tracks on the ground. 2) There will be a wide help package integrated into the game e.g. A questioing of the keyboard map, the mouse controls and mission goals among others. 3) Right now Planet4 is working hard on the demo which will probably arrive begining December expect more on the website then.